Edward Ndlovu Library has benefitted once again from a programme funded by Book Aid International. In addition to over 70 schools that we are already working with, five more schools are being provided with story books and other learning materials to keep as a permanent library collection. These will not rotate, but we hope that we will be in a position to replenish the supply as it is needed. The programme includes training for the teachers in the use of the library books.
The article below appeared in the Bulawayo daily newspaper the Chronicle April 26.
Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust donates to Gwanda primary schools

From left: Gwanda District Schools Inspector Mrs Lian Dube and Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust acting director Mrs Vivienne Moyo handover the donations to one of the primary schools representatives
Mthabisi Tshuma, Gwanda Correspondent
FIVE primary schools in Gwanda district Matabeleland South province have been equipped with stationery meant to promote effective learning at rural based schools.
The donation was made by Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust (ENMT) to Sitezi, Sibona, Sabiwa, Collen Bawn and Mtshabezi primary schools.
The Trust gifted the primary schools with stationery following a conclusion of a teacher training workshop which was held at Edward Ndlovu Memorial Library as from last Wednesday to Friday.
The donated books are in line with the curriculum for effective learning and are meant to close the gap that exists between urban schools and rural schools.
Most rural schools in the country have been left out in the cold as they are failing to tap to the advancement of learning procedures to electronic means as they are faced with challenges of network connectivity access.
Each primary school received 1150 variety textbooks and reading material, two storage boxes, one book cupboard, charts and stickers.
The three-day teacher training workshop was spearheaded by Mrs Vivienne Moyo who is the acting director at Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust.
Speaking during the handover and certificate awarding ceremony for participants on Friday at Edward Ndlovu Memorial Library, Gwanda District Education Schools Inspector Mrs Lian Dube said the donation will bridge a gap of shortages in the district which has seen the ratio of pupil to books being wanting.
“It takes a good heart do such a sterling work I remember others during hard times where pupils have been under privileged when it comes to reading due to shortage of material thus this is indeed a great milestone.
“This should be a turning point to improve the passrate at our primary rural schools as these books will benefit the learners as education is the cornerstone to success,” said Mrs Dube.
Mrs Dube urged teachers to lead by example to pupils by visiting the library more frequently so as to instill a reading tradition.
“Teachers will have to lead by example as children will have the opportunity to interact that is to breathe reading, eat reading and transpire reading and exposure to the global village to develop a reading culture,” she added.
Teachers from different primary schools in the district applauded the ENMT for giving pupils in Gwanda an opportunity to access learning material.
The Headmistress of Mtshabezi Primary school Mrs Silobile Masuku said the school has been uplifted linguistically through the donation.
“Thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to learn more about basic library management and gifting our pupils with books to read as this will improve their capability linguistically,” said Mrs Masuku.
Mrs Sibongile Mangazha from Colleen Bawn Primary said, “This is so inspiring and also a motivational tool as we are now equipped as a school and this will not only benefit students but us teachers as well and we are very grateful for the donation”.
ENMT director Mrs Moyo said schools should safeguard the books as they play a vital role in developing the learning capability of the district.