Three study circles in Gwanda South who have successfully been running commercial nutrition gardens have decided to work together to create a fish farm. Sixty-eight members will build a fish farm 10 m x 10 m x 1.5 m deep which is estimated to hold 1500 tilapia fish.

First, a workshop, to learn the processes

Then, the hard work begins
It is intended that this fish farm will provide healthy protein for many surrounding communities, and add to the incomes earned by the members already from their gardens. The families will have funds to pay for the children's school fees and other essentials. But, the project also brings hope to rural communities that a local economy can help to raise them from poverty even when the national economy is in trouble.
We look forward to seeing the first fish growing.
This project is fully funded through Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust by Swedish supporters organised by Kersti Palmberg. We thank them for all their efforts.
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